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Selectmen Minutes 01/17/2006
Chichester Board of Selectmen
January 17, 2006

Present:  Chairman DeBold, Selectman MacCleery, Selectman Colbert and Patty Wooster, Administrative Assistant.  Chairman DeBold opened the meeting at 7:00PM.

SUBJECT: Bond Hearing For Webster Mills Bridge over Sanborn Brook

HIGHLIGHTS:  In attendance was the Road Agent, Mr. David Kenneally, a representative from CDL, Mr. John Byatt and two residents.

Chairman DeBold opened up the discussion with an explanation of why the Town was holding this public hearing.  The hearing is being held based on RSA 33:8-a, which in part states: There shall be at least one public hearing concerning any proposed municipal bond or note issue in excess of $100,000.00……..Chairman DeBold goes on to say “this bond hearing was scheduled to err on the side of caution and prudence in case we decide to buy a short term bond”.

Chairman DeBold stated that the State of New Hampshire had “red listed” the bridge over Sanborn Brook.  He stated that he was unsure as to exactly the definition of a red listed bridge meant, but he does know that there are serious safety concerns with the bridge.  He said that the bridge has been inspected by the State over the years and that the sub-structure beams are rusting out and they are losing their strength.  He also stated that the bridge is narrow and will be widen.

Road Agent, Mr. David Kenneally said there were options.  One would be, we replace the bridge and the State would pay 80% of the monies used to replace the bridge or the bridge could be closed permanently by the State.  If that happens then the Town would lose the 80% State funding.  He said this project will not affect taxes.  He said the 20% the Town is responsible for will be covered by Capital Reserves/Bridges.  He said that the Road Agent before him had the foresight to see this bridge will need to be replaced and for three years money has been put in Capital Reserves.

One of the residents had a question about the removal of the dam on Marsh Pond.  He wanted to know what the status was.  Chairman DeBold stated that the Board of Selectmen has decided that the Town’s portion of the dam will be removed due to liablitly concerns and that the Town is under order to respond to the State by April 1, 2006 as to exactly what the Town’s plans are.  The resident thanked the Board of Selectmen and the conversation returned to the bond issue.

Selectman MacCleery stated that the Town would only need to borrow the money for a short period of time-perhaps six months.  He stated that we would not need to borrow the money until the start of the project which will be June or July. He stated that he had spoken to someone at New Hampshire Department of Transportation Bureau of Planning and Community Assistance (“DOT”) who advised him that the Town could get 40% at the start of the project and remainder at the end of the project.  

Mr. Byatt asked Mr. Kenneally if he had spoken to one of the owners about a driveway.  Mr. Kenneally said he had and the owner is insistent about having a driveway put in.  Mr. Byatt stated that an application to the Department of Environmental Services had to be filled out, because the driveway will have minor impact on wetlands. He stated that should not be a problem.  The next step in this process is to submit final plans to DOT for final approval.  After the approval from DOT invitations will be sent out for construction bids.  Mr. Byatt stated that by April an award should be announced.  Work will be begin June and the road will be closed July 3rd to August 14th.  Emergency Services will be worked out with Epsom.

A question was asked about the construction of the bridge.  Mr. Byatt said that the bridge will be a pre-cast concrete bridge.

Selectman Colbert made a Motion to agree with Mr. Topouzoglou’s request to retain his existing access to his present wood lot.  Selectman MacCleery seconded the Motion, a vote was taken and all were in favor.

The Bond Hearing was concluded.

SUBJECT: Town Litigation

HIGHLIGHTS: Motion was made by Selectman MacCleery to enter a non-public session based on RSA 91-A:3 II (e).  The Motion was seconded by Selectman Colbert.  A vote was taken by roll call and all members voted in the affirmative.

Selectman MacCleery made a Motion to come out of the non-public session.  It was seconded by Chairman DeBold.  A vote was taken by roll call and all members voted in the affirmative.

Selectman Colbert made a Motion to seal the minutes of the non-public session in accordance with RSA 91-A:3, III  until the litigation matter has been settled. Chairman DeBold seconded the Motion.  A vote was taken by roll call and all members voted in the affirmative.

SUBJECT:  General Business

HIGHLIGHTS: Selectman MacCleery stated that on January 2, 2006 it appeared as though Mr. Allen Mayville was working in the Town shed, this day was a holiday. He said he would like an explanation of why.  He stated that he has a problem with someone having free access to the Town shed without the road agent being present.  Selectman Colbert stated that there is an agreement that sub-contractors can use the facilities to repair their trucks that are under contract.  He stated that Mr. Mayville does maintenance on the Town trucks and equipment.  Selectman Colbert does know that Mr. Mayville replaced a spinner on the sander and did not bill the Town for it.  He does not know what Mr. Mayville was working on the day Selectman MacCleery is questioning.

Chairman DeBold stated that he had drafted an agreement regarding Bill Stevens’ request for the issuance of a building permit off Davis Road.  He stated that he had modeled the agreement after the one in Hard Road to Travel.  He stated that the Town Attorney would have to review the document.  It was suggested that Mr. Stevens look at the document first and see if it is agreeable to him.  Patty was asked to send the agreement to Mr. Stevens.

Fire Chief Mike Paveglio stopped in to ask Chairman DeBold to sign a document that will be sent to the State.  Homeland Security has given the State of New Hampshire $5,000,000.00 to replace radios that are used by the Fire Departments located in New Hampshire.  He said that new radios cost $1,887.00 each.  Chairman DeBold signed the paper.

Chairman DeBold stated he had researched the Minutes of 1996 for information regarding the fence that is between the Safety Building and the McCormacks.  He stated that he was unable to locate any pertinent information.

The Board signed payroll and accounts payable.  

Legal correspondence, mail and e-mail were reviewed.  

The Minutes from January 17, 2006 were reviewed and approved.

Being no further business, Chairman DeBold adjourned the meeting at 10:30pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Patty Wooster
Administrative Assistant

Chairman Richard DeBold

Stephen MacCleery  

David Colbert